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This WIP has been 'IP' for ages (years if I'm honest!)
My mum bought me Jan Eaton's 200 crochet blocks for blankets, throws and afghans book and I thought it would be fun to make a blanket, each square a different pattern but all with the same colour wool.

I pick it up every now and then, determined to finish it and not start anything else until it's done. But I always come across a new pattern I want to try, or I decide to make a gift for someone, or I make a few octopuses for preemies, and then the blanket is forgotten for another couple of weeks (or months).

I know when it's finished I will treasure it forever. It is my first large project and shows my crochet journey, but until then it will sit in a bag it in the corner of my living room, giving off a constant reminder of all those ends to sew in.

How many WIPs do you have on the go at the minute? Any how many is too many?
Katie x